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Cultivating Well-Being
10:30 AM10:30

Cultivating Well-Being

Heart opening practices for body, speech and mind with Patricia Wolff

Building resilience, savoring joy, and opening to what is. Becoming good medicine for ourselves and the planet. Periods of guided meditation, walking meditation, heart opening and communication practices.

Image by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

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The Language of the Heart: Compassionate Communication
10:30 AM10:30

The Language of the Heart: Compassionate Communication

This online class is an invitation for curiosity, tenderness, self awareness, empathy and courage. Using NVC(nonviolent communication) and Buddhist practices, we can approach our difficult emotions and relationships in a way that transforms and heals.

Direct Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 835 824 8873
Password: 767669

Image: Compassion Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara(S), Kuan Yin(C), Kannon(J). Northern Sung Dynasty, China, c.1025, wood, Honolulu Academy of Arts. Wikimedia Commons.

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Villa Angelica Sesshin
to Feb 23

Villa Angelica Sesshin

You are invited to sit with us…

Sesshin is designed to intensify and clarify our practice in ways that are difficult to do in our everyday lives. Characterized by silence and deep contemplation, sesshin is recommended to anyone who is sincerely interested in experiencing intensive Zen training. We wake up each day before dawn to begin a schedule that includes zazen, chanting, services, formal silent meals (oryoki), work practice and talks.

To understand the nature of our formal retreats, and to be clear about the details of the practice, please consult with the sesshin director, Mark Orrisch (831) 659-7138.

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Half-day sitting on ROHATSU, the day of Buddha's Awakening.
8:00 AM08:00

Half-day sitting on ROHATSU, the day of Buddha's Awakening.

This Rohatsu Sitting marks the enlightenment of the Buddha. It is a powerful gathering of practitioners and friends who are dedicated to realizing the way. We explore the enlightenment of the Buddha, the story and its meaning in our lives, during this powerful day devoted to zazen. The retreat is in silence, with sitting and walking meditation.

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Haiku Poetry Workshop
10:30 AM10:30

Haiku Poetry Workshop

Haiku Poetry Workshop

with Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts

$60 is suggested donation. Scholarships available. For more information, please call (831) 920-8303.

Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts will lead the workshop from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm Saturday, October 12 at the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts. The workshop will begin with brief accounts of the history of haiku, its form, and of some of its practitioners (from Basho and Chiyo-ni to Richard Wright and Mitsu Suzuki). The focus will turn to writing haiku using various writing exercises that provide starting points for exploring the art of catching the moment. Open to readers and writers of all levels of experience with haiku. Suggested donation of $60. No one will be turned away for lack of ability to donate.

Poet-in-the-Schools for the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Ruchowitz-Roberts presents poetry writing workshops in high schools throughout Monterey County nd coordinates the annual Monterey County High School Poetry Awards. He has taught haiku writing workshops in CSUMB’s OLLI program.

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Eye & Form Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Eye & Form Workshop

Eye and Form Workshop

Reflecting and Mirroring the Self

Sunday Oct 6, 9 a.m.-noon, Carmel Valley Zendo

A workshop in various media allowing us to shapeshift and give form to numerous aspects of our selves. If you wish, please bring a dish to share for lunch afterwards. A donation of $20 to $30 would be appreciated (materials included).st Event

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