Sara Hunsaker 

Riding Spirit :: Wondrous Light

While in India in 1972, I did several 10-day Vipassana retreats with Goenka-ji, and thus began my Buddhist practice. In 1988, under the guidance of Sobun Katherine Thanas-Roshi, I began sitting with Monterey Bay Zen Center and received jukai in 1992. A month with Hoitsu Suzuki-Roshi in Yaizu, Japan, deepened my path. From 1996-1997 I trained at Tassajara and Green Gulch. Myoan Grace Schireson-Roshi became my teacher, and I received priest ordination in 2008. At Empty Nest Zen Center I enjoyed the 3-year SPOT leadership training, many of the Women’s Retreats and was shuso there for 2010 practice period. Dharma transmission was bestowed in 2014. I had the privilege of studying Zen sewing with Zenkei Blanche Hartman-Roshi. Carmel Valley has been my home since 1980 and wherever I am is a temple.




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