With nothing to attain
The bodhisattva depends on prajna-paramita
And the mind is no hindrance.
from the Heart Sutra as presented by Shohaku Okumura in Living by Vow
"Pink, Gray Mobius Strip" by Tom Nakashima, courtesy Green Chalk Contemporary.
(Pulp painting on handmade paper, 32 in X 33 in.)
— an Introduction to the Heart Sutra
Saturday Class, 4 sessions, January 7, 14, 21 & 28
4:00- 5:30 PM
Hybrid in-person at McGowan Zendo and broadcasting on Zoom
Led by Robert Reese of the MBZC Teaching Council
Chanted daily in Buddhists temples around the world, the Heart Sutra remains one of the seminal scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism. In this succinct, one-page text, the Heart Sutra expresses the nature of reality in words both profound and paradoxical. Using Shohaku Okumura Roshi’s essay on the Heart Sutra from his book, Living by Vow, as the primary commentary, this class explores the lived experience of the Heart Sutra. Through talks, discussions and practice, we will investigate how the Soto Zen School practices and expresses this significant Mahayana sutra. Whether you are encountering the sutra for the first time or have chanted it for decades, the Heart Sutra provides limitless opportunities for practice and realization.
Primary text is the chapter “Sound of Emptiness: The Heart Sutra” from Living by Vow: A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts by Shohaku Okumura, Roshi. Wisdom Publications, 2012.
No pre-registration required, all are welcome.
Contact Robert for any information.
Suggested donation direct to to MBZC at $15-20 per session or any amount as affordable. Scholarships are available: contact Robert. (No one will be turned away due to lack of funds).
Meeting ID: 597 085 0569
PW: 195454
Robert Reese, Gotsuzan Jundo (Steadfast Mountain :: Purehearted Way), began formal practice at Monterey Bay Zen Center in 1988 and was lay ordained in 1993. He received priest ordination and dharma transmission in 2010 from Sobun Katherine Thanas Roshi. (full biography)