Our No Gap, The Unity of Zazen and the Precepts class will begin again this Saturday from 4 to 5:30 pm and continue through Saturday, April 25th. To join the No Gap Precept class meeting, please either use the link below or enter the Zoom meeting ID number in the field "Enter meeting ID or personal link name" after you click on "Join a Meeting" once you've opened your zoom app.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 645 341 082
We will continue with our normal format of 20 minutes of zazen then 10 minutes of brief check in prior to talking about how we've been engaging with the last precept we set up. There will be 30 minutes for this so that we'll start setting up the next precept at 5 pm.
April 11: Discuss Not Praising Self at Other's Expense/Meeting Others on Equal Ground & set up Not Harboring Ill-will/Letting Go of Anger Anderson ch. 21, Loori p.103, Rizzetto ch. 11